You know the old saying, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, but teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”  Have you ever signed up for a short term program that promised amazing, quick results by following their diet plan, their exercise routine, their career planner and the list goes on, except after the program was over those quick results disappeared?  This is a regular struggle for many busy moms.  Often we want a change so badly we are willing to try anything to give us the fast results we desire (even though it took us years to get to the point we want change to begin with) and become frustrated and discouraged when what we thought was going to be the last time we have to start over disappears.

In programs like these you are essentially given a proverbial fish to feed you for the time you are participating in the class or using the product.  You are told what to do, what to eat or provided the ingredients but once you stop, what happens….the weight comes back on, you go back to eating the way you always have and you are back to square one.  Here’s the fundamental problem, you aren’t actually learning what your triggers are, why the change is important to you and your life or what other things in your life need to be addressed first.  Can short term programs, services and products like these be helpful and do they have their place?  Absolutely, because results are extremely motivating, but in order to achieve long term results it is best to combine short term programs with something that can help you create a plan for how you will live after the short term program is over and help you to “fish” for life.

I’ll give you an example, years ago right after college I was 15 pounds overweight.  I was a social butterfly, loved to go out and ended up drinking too much beer, eating too much Taco Bell and sitting on the couch instead of moving my body.  I felt terrible, had no energy, my skin looked horrible and my love handles flopped over the top of my jeans (like way over). So anyways, I decided that I needed to change my health for the better and I thought by participating in a quick fix program I would be well on my way to my ideal self.   I started the South Beach Diet…anyone remember that one?  I bought the book and tried to follow the program the best I could.  I did lose weight, but after I couldn’t stand being hungry and being in a fog every day I stopped following the program and guess what, the weight came back. The reality was that while the program told me what to eat and how often, what it didn’t teach me was how to handle the reasons I made the poor food/drink choices to begin with, how to listen to my body, how to eat outside of the program.  It didn’t help me identify that the real reason I struggled with my weight, had more to do with my lifestyle choices at the time and that I wasn’t preparing and planning for the foods I was going to eat, the sleep that I needed or getting in regular movement.

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I decided to get back to what I knew was tried and true and continues to work today for so many moms.  Old fashioned hard work!  I know, I know, not what you wanted to hear, but your weight, your energy, your career didn’t happen overnight and if you really desire a change for the long haul you are going to have to change internally as well as externally.

In addition, I recognized that I needed support so I joined a running group and took on a co-worker as my coach.  Although, I have had periods where my now healthier lifestyle doesn’t happen perfectly (new baby, starting a new career, etc), I strive to live my life through this lens the bulk of the time and I believe that most moms can achieve prominent results the same way.  This type of approach allows us to get back on track quickly when we have moments of weakness or big changes to our life because we already know “how” to fish and we stop always looking for the latest and greatest.

So what is at the core of a healthy lifestyle for anyone and everyone?

  • Eat whole foods the majority of the time
  • Drink water
  • Prepare meals myself and not from a box or drive thru
  • Move my body daily
  • Get adequate sleep (7-9 hours)  see my previous post on sleep if you think you only need 5 hours 🙂
  • Practice stress management through meditation, yoga, deep breathing, saying no
  • Daily gratitude and appreciation for life

I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know right?  This isn’t new news, but for the majority of moms these areas of focus are daily struggles and for many there is a lack of understanding on the “how” to make the change.

So how do you do all those things I mention?  Starting small, prioritization and managing time when you are pulled in a million directions becomes key to fitting in wellness regularly and achieving sustainable changes.

Are you tired yet?  Do you want to start something that focuses you on internal motivation, introspective thoughts that help you identify the true barriers to change and how to get results that don’t require a new start every time?

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If the answer is Yes, then you have come to the right place.  Health Coaching has been around for a long time and has recently gained in popularity as our society has shifted. More and more moms are working outside of the home, starting their own businesses or stepping out in community roles as well as raising a family.  Many women are dissatisfied with the current healthcare system, frustrated by programs that don’t actually change them and are lonely despite social media claims of creating connection. Busy moms are seeking a support system that helps them uncover their true goals and desires, while providing accountability and guidance that is individualized to their situation.

Maybe you aren’t sure where to start, or maybe you have tried programs in the past and felt discouraged or you have had a life change that has resulted in falling off the wagon and you need a push to get back on.  With health coaching, the change is driven by you, with the support of a qualified health coach that can help guide you, provide resources in a variety of wellness areas, hold you accountable and help you create sustainable change that becomes a lifestyle.  No more starting over and searching out the new fad!

Do you get results?  Yes, with two caveats:   YOU have to put in the work and it is small changes over time that lead to big results.  Depending on motivation, those individuals who participate in health coaching can see results right away and other changes take longer, but typically in 3 months bigger results are seen.

Here’s how health coaching and my 3 month 3P program can help you “learn to fish.”

  • Purpose
    • Self – discovery:  What is your WHY?  What motivates you?  How will what you want impact your life or your family in a positive way?
  • Plan
    • Goal setting is key –  you will set a big vision and we will break the vision down to monthly and weekly goals to track progress
    • Roadmap and journal to create a visual space to monitor progress
    • Actionable steps to take daily to facilitate change and tie into big vision
    • Tools and Resources teaching you how to do things (i.e.  meal planning, exercise, stress management, etc)
    • Identify roadblocks to being successful and create strategies to work around or break down those barriers
    • Re-evaluation:  what is working, what’s not, what needs to change
  • Payoff
    • Results attained, next steps to move forward
    • Milestone Celebrations
  • Partner
    • During the course of the 3P program, I will be a partner with you.  You will have support every step of the way.  As a coach I will hold you accountable for what you say YOU will do, help to increase your confidence that you can do it yourself and be a resource for areas that are challenging and uncomfortable.
    • YOU will teach yourself to fish but with a safety net to catch you if you start to slip and a knowledgeable professional that can help you attain your goals.

How do you participate: All of my private coaching programs are virtual via phone or Zoom. Virtual coaching is very effective because it provides support in a space that allows for a comfortable, convenient environment and doesn’t require extra time to drive to a location.  Resources and tools needed to support your wellness change are shared via a variety of mediums.

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I want you to close your eyes and think about a pain point in your life.  Maybe you have wanted to lose 15 pounds for a number of years, maybe you have wanted a new career, maybe you want to learn to meal plan or reduce your smart device use.  What have you tried to help with this pain point?  How many times have you started over, or not started at all?  Could you use someone to help you create a sustainable plan that works for you and your life and then help you implement it and stick with it?

If you are a mom who has responsibilities in addition to raising a family, who is tired of feeling stretched thin, tired of not having time for your needs and wants to make a change once and for all, email me to schedule a FREE 15 minute consultation.  It’s FREE, and no obligation so what’s the risk??  Could be the last time you ever start over!

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